7 Good Scary Movies on Netflix to Watch This Week

Prepare yourself for an enthralling movie night, conveniently brought to you by Netflix. No need to wait until October to satisfy your horror cravings. With the vast array of streaming options available today, you can easily indulge in bone-chilling tales from the comfort of your own couch.

To simplify your search, we have curated a list of the scary movies currently streaming on Netflix. We also provide recommendations for the most terrifying films on HBO, Hulu, Prime Video, along with a comprehensive list of the good scary movies on Netflix.

Prepare yourself for an exhilarating journey into the unknown, as these films are guaranteed to send shivers down your spine and keep you on the edge of your seat. Get ready to be captivated, as the realm of horror eagerly awaits your exploration.

1. Title: Tin & Tina

Release Year: 2023
Director: Rubin Stein
Runtime: 2h

Experience the captivating Spanish psychological thriller “Tin & Tina,” a haunting story centered around Adolfo (Jaime Lorente) and Lola (Milena Smit), a newlywed couple shattered by the loss of their child. Seeking solace, they adopt an unconventional pair of twins, Tin and Tina, from a convent filled with orphans. This film seamlessly blends horror and religious symbolism, skillfully unraveling Lola’s crisis of faith. As she navigates her grief and encounters the unsettling behavior of the children, doubts arise about their sinister origins. “Tin & Tina” immerses viewers in a realm where darkness and faith collide, providing a thrilling exploration of the human psyche.

2. Title: Fear Street Trilogy

Release Year: 2021
Director: Leigh Janiak
Runtime: 1h 47m

For fans of slasher films and the adrenaline rush of a knife-wielding maniac, the Fear Street trilogy is the perfect Friday night delight. Spanning three distinct time periods (1994, 1978, and 1666), this series pays homage to iconic horror classics like Scream, Friday the 13th, and The Witch. Prepare yourself for unforgettable kills, including one that stands among the greatest on-screen moments. All three parts are available for streaming, eliminating the need for long waits between sequels. Horror enthusiasts will also appreciate that this trilogy draws inspiration from R.L. Stine’s acclaimed Fear Street novels, created by the mastermind behind Goosebumps.

3. Title: It Chapter Two 

Release Year: 2019
Director: Andrés Muschietti
Runtime:2h 49m

Prepare to bid farewell to circuses forever as you delve into the 2017 adaptation of Stephen King’s novel. This chilling film will make you reconsider your feelings towards red balloons and clowns. Set in late 1980s Derry, Maine, where children mysteriously disappear, a group of brave teenagers must confront the horrifying Pennywise the clown. United, they face the shape-shifting monster that terrorizes their community. Get ready for a gripping and spine-tingling tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Witness the relentless battle of this close-knit group as they strive to defeat the sinister entity preying upon their small town.

4. Title: Eli

Release Year: 2019
Director: Ciaran Foy
Runtime: 1h 38m

Helmed by director Ciarán Foy, the film “Eli” stars talented young actor Charlie Shotwell as the protagonist, a boy suffering from a rare autoimmune disease. Foy skillfully crafts a captivating horror experience, heightened by the enigmatic presence of Lili Taylor as the doctor who promises a potential cure. The unsettling contrast between her composed demeanor and the eerie visuals guarantees a thrilling ride for horror enthusiasts. With outstanding performances from Max Martini, Kelly Reilly, and Sadie Sink, “Eli” spins a suspenseful and mysterious tale, hinting at supernatural elements. The tension steadily rises, taking audiences on a chilling journey into the world of the paranormal.

5. Title: The Silence

Release Year: 2019
Director: John R. Leonetti
Runtime: 1h 30m

“The Silence,” directed by John R. Leonetti, is a thrilling adaptation of Tim Lebbon’s novel, reminiscent of the tense atmosphere found in “A Quiet Place.” It takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity lives in constant fear of sound-seeking creatures. Kiernan Shipka delivers a captivating performance as a Deaf teenager, navigating her family’s dangerous struggle for survival. Their journey takes an unexpected turn when they encounter a cult, introducing intriguing plot twists. Despite controversy over casting choices and Shipka’s non-native American Sign Language skills, the film offers an exhilarating adventure. The stellar ensemble, including Stanley Tucci, John Corbett, and Miranda Otto, reunites with Shipka from “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.”

6. Title: Apostle

Release Year: 2018
Director: Gareth Evans
Runtime: 2h 10m

Gareth Evans’ “Apostle” follows Thomas Richardson’s journey to a remote Welsh island to rescue his kidnapped sister, revealing a dark conspiracy. Fans of cult-themed movies such as “Midsommar” and “The Wicker Man” shouldn’t miss this film. Starring Dan Stevens (Beauty and the Beast) and Lucy Boynton (Bohemian Rhapsody), “Apostle” offers disturbing violence and an unsettling atmosphere, presented in visually stunning yet chaotic style. Prepare for a gripping and intense encounter that will keep you on edge throughout.

7. Title: Cam

Release Year: 2018
Director: Daniel Goldhaber
Runtime: 1h 35m

Isa Mazzei’s “Cam” explores the life of Alice “Lola_Lola” Ackerman, a successful camgirl who confronts a disturbing doppelgänger taking control of her online persona. This film profoundly unsettles on multiple levels. Drawing from Mazzei’s own camgirl experiences, “Cam” presents a bleak depiction of a hidden realm. With its eerie atmosphere, flawless cinematography, and a lingering narrative, this movie demands the attention of every horror fan. Prepare for an unforgettable and intense journey delving into the depths of lurking shadows.

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